Higher ed data enablement

Do more with the right data

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Business Application Research Center (BARC) reports that 82% of organizations that have embraced data management also report improved decision support, 84% have improved efficiency or agility of operational processes, 65% say they have better customer service, and 57% report cost reductions.

Your school can do the same. You have a wealth of data that can be harnessed to find efficiencies, implement enrollment strategies, and strengthen student experiences. Unfortunately, that data is often disconnected, irretrievable, or too unrefined to reveal useful insights.

bullet pointToo much disconnected data

The alphabet soup of higher ed systems — including CRM, SIS, LMS, and marketing platforms — churns out data at a furious pace. But too often that data is not collected, connected, or activated.

The answer: Once data is centralized and enabled, school leaders at every level have the visibility they need to make better decisions.

bullet pointWhat drives student engagement?

When data for marketing and enrollment success lives in disparate systems and platforms, it can’t power personalization or analytics.

The answer: Partners who collect, connect, and activate their data have been able to identify gaps in the enrollment funnel and accelerate admission rates.

bullet pointSmart, personal outreach

Relevant, targeted outreach is what engages students. But which personalization tactics will prompt students to search, click, or apply to your school?

The answer: Analytics can identify behavioral flags that predict the right content, message, or interaction that will move a prospective student to take the next right action.

bullet pointOutcomes-based funding demands ROI

Policymakers use funding to incentivize higher ed to improve student outcomes. But they demand evidence of performance in return. That makes data for measurement and reporting an urgent priority.

The answer: With cloud-enabled reporting and analytics, colleges and universities can analyze data from across the entire institution to prove ROI.