One of the best ways to navigate the changing higher ed landscape is to attend higher ed conferences. The 2024-2025 conference season is shaping into a promising lineup that will offer invaluable insights and connections for educators, administrators, and thought leaders. Whether you’re looking for professional development, networking opportunities, or just to stay informed, here are the higher ed conferences you won’t want to miss.

We’ll be at each of them this year. Looking forward to seeing you there!

Mackinac Roundtable on Talent

June 23-25, 2024
Mackinac Island, MI

This is an exclusive, invite-only event for top private university and college presidents along with key corporate leaders. The purpose is to facilitate cross-sector dialog and collaboration in preparing students for successful career outcomes.

Our President & CEO Kim Fahey will be discussing “Leveraging Your Technology: From Data Silos to Personalized Pathways” during the breakfast session.

Best for: presidents of private universities and colleges

UPCEA Convergence

September 30 – October 2, 2024
New Orleans, LA

UPCEA Convergence is a place for key campus stakeholders in credential innovation to define and develop their institution’s alternative credentials strategy.

Catch our Chief Academic Officer Tracy Chapman, PhD, as she presents our original research, “Unveiling the Employer’s View: An Employer-Centric Approach to Higher Education Partnerships.”

Best for: senior leaders responsible for their institution’s strategy on alternative credentials as well as registrars and similar professionals


October 7-9, 2024
Denver, CO

This invitation-only event brings together university leaders and government, association, foundation, and corporate thought leaders to discuss best practices for public-private partnerships.

Our President & CEO Kim Fahey will be speaking with our partner College of Western Idaho about how they’ve leveraged technology and data to stabilize their institution and position themselves for transformative growth.

Best for: college and university cabinet members

University Leadership Summit

October 21-22, 2024
Boston, MA

This invitation-only event brings university executives and innovative suppliers and solution providers together. The Summit’s content is aligned with key educational challenges and interests, relevant market developments, and practical and progressive ideas and strategies adopted by successful pioneers.

Best for: college and university presidents, chancellors, and provosts

2024 CIC Institute for Chief Academic Officers

November 1-4, 2024
Portland, OR

This year’s event focuses on building alliances, creating innovative academic pathways, and unlocking the potential of education for more students. It will evaluate the power of academic leadership and present ways to make teams more inclusive, adaptable, and forward-looking.

Our Chief Academic Officer Tracy Chapman, PhD, will be leading a roundtable session on “Nurturing Enrollment: Enhancing Tech Experiences for Student Retention” featuring our new joint research with Inside Higher Ed.

Best for: chief academic officers and their teams (such as associates, deans, and directors); only independent college and university administrators may participate


December 3-5, 2024
Philadelphia, PA

Marketing, enrollment growth, and student success are the focus of UPCEA MEMS, specifically in adult, professional, continuing, and online education. It will showcase innovative and proven approaches to grow enrollments and support student success.

Best for: marketing, recruitment, and student success professionals

CIC Presidents Institute

January 4-7, 2025
San Antonio, TX

Presidents from independent colleges and universities — along with industry experts — will come together to strengthen their networks and explore how to connect with communities on and off campus while transforming financial, political, and social disruptions into opportunities.

Best for: presidents of independent colleges and universities

ACCU’s Annual Meeting

January 31 – February 3, 2025
Washington, D.C.

ACCU’s Annual Meeting allows members to come together and discuss important issues affecting Catholic colleges and universities. It’s an opportunity to share ideas and network with those also working in faith-based higher ed.

Best for: presidents and senior leaders of Catholic colleges and universities

P3 New Start Summit

TBD 2025 (Previously February 2024)

This invitation-only summit is an opportunity for key university leaders to meet and exchange best practices around strategic enrollment and workforce connections. It’s an excellent opportunity to network with peers.

Best for: university leaders

UPCEA Annual Meeting

March 24-26, 2025
Denver, CO

The impact of online and professional continuing education units will be in the spotlight at this conference, where you can expect to hear groundbreaking ideas and have opportunities to take part in interactive workshops and networking events.

Best for: deans and other senior university leaders, as well as teams focused on managing or growing professional, continuing, and online education programs

ASU + GSV Summit & AIR Show

AIR Show: April 5-7, 2025
ASU + GSV Summit: April 7-9, 2025
San Diego, CA

Arizona State University and GSV host this annual event focused on transforming society and business around learning and work across the “Pre-K to Gray” — i.e., lifelong learning — global education sectors.

In conjunction with ASU + GSV Summit, the AIR Show (AI Revolution in EDU) is a free event with thought-provoking discussions and interactive workshops to empower educators, innovators, and learners to harness the limitless potential of AI in education.

Best for: educators, strategists, and foundation leaders

Google Cloud Next

TBD 2025 (Previously April 2024)

Google Cloud Next is an annual conference where Google Cloud showcases its latest products and technology. Events include presentations, technical and hands-on sessions, and networking opportunities.

Best for: IT professionals and developers

See you during the 2024-2025 conference season!

The lineup for 2024-2025 higher ed conferences is filled with opportunities for professionals across your college or university to learn and network. Embrace these opportunities to be part of the conversations that will shape the future of higher education.

For more information on upcoming conferences, be sure to sign up for our newsletter.

Contact us to connect in person at one of these inspiring events.

Author: Collegis Education Staff

Collegis is passionate about education and driven by the technology that keeps institutions moving forward.

Published: 6/17/24

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