Securing Microcredential Partnerships

What employers want

As the economy and higher education evolve, employers are moving quickly to offer professional development and alternative credential programs to upskill their talent. To do so, many are looking not only to higher ed institutions, but also to private organizations like Coursera and LinkedIn Learning for support.

As part of an ongoing research series, Collegis and UPCEA, the leading association for professional, continuing and online education, partnered to survey over 500 employers to better understand their perceptions of partnering with a four-year higher ed institution on professional development programs and alternative credentials.

Securing Microcredential Partnerships Infographic

Insights include:

  • Employers’ perceptions of working with higher ed
  • Why 98% of employers plan to continue existing partnerships with higher ed
  • How employer partnerships changed from 2022 to 2023
  • Best strategies to secure partnerships

Download our infographic “Securing Microcredential Partnerships: What Employers Want” to learn what incentivizes employers to work with four-year higher ed schools.

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