Higher Ed: It’s Your Move on Microcredentials

Employers share their perception of alternative credentials

Many higher ed leaders consider microcredentials to be an important strategy for their future. Forward-looking, strategic partnerships with employers can be the key for institutions looking to drive a stream of enrollments from this type of education.

Collegis collaborated with UPCEA to survey approximately 500 employers to get their take on microcredentials.

Also, don’t miss the findings of our 2024 report with UPCEA: “Unveiling the Employer’s View: An Employer-Centric Approach to Higher Education Partnerships”.

Your Move on Microcredentials Infographic

Download the infographic for usable insights on:

  • Employers’ familiarity with microcredentials
  • Perceived benefits and concerns of microcredentials
  • Incentives important to employers in choosing a higher education partner
Download now