The Adult Learners You’re Ignoring

Meet career-focused learners

Gen Z and Alpha in K-12 may be questioning the value of a college degree, but 70% of adult learners are looking for education to achieve professional goals. To engage these prospects, you’ll need to know more about them.

Adult Learner Personas Infographic

Who are adult learners? Collegis Education surveyed 1,000 adult learners interested in pursuing degrees, and their responses revealed four distinct personas:

  • Career Advancer
  • Career Builder
  • Discerning Academic
  • Hesitant Learner

Learn more about each persona in our infographic “The Adult Learners You’re Ignoring”.

Download the white paper

Download our white paper “Rethink Your Student Population” to learn how to optimize your programs and target your outreach to grow enrollment in this untapped market.

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